Monday, August 9, 2010

What Ive Learned Throughout the Class

I have learned a lot throughout this class. I have learned much about communication and how to break claims down so I can view it from an analytical perspective. I have also learned how to communicate in small groups online which was tough. While it is a communications class, I think that I could have gotten a better grade alone, yet still it was an interesting learning experience. My favorite thing about the class is the blogging. I enjoyed sharing my perspective with others and having them comment on me and also me commenting on them. My least favorite thing was probably the online group assignments. They consisted of a large portion of our grade and all it took was one person being lazy to screw up that grade. This class can be improved by giving us extra credit questions on the tests so that we can get a better grade because the scoring is kind of harsh. Just one question wrong can make your test go from a A to a B. So in all I enjoyed this class and learned many skills that I will use in the future.


  1. I also learned how to break claims down in an analytical perspective and before this class, I was not taught that or was aware how to do so.
    I definitely know what you mean on how you learned how to communicate in small groups and how its not easy. I think working in a group whether it is online or in person is always a challenge because you have different people with different personalities and different work habits all being put together. That is the beauty of group work and I personally thought the online group assignments was a great asset to this class because most of us probably have never worked with a group for a class online and it was a challenge. No one said it would ever be easy but I learned a lot through it.

  2. I enjoyed this class very much. It gave me something to do during the summer and it made sure that I stayed on top of things when I was being lazy with my life.

    Before I would always be lazy, but eversince I went through this class, I learned how to be more responsible with my work and other things as well.

    It also gave me the chance to share things with others and I also learned how to blog. Blogging is very fun and addictive LOL Since now this class is over, time for this coming semester! Let's go!
