Friday, August 6, 2010

Mission Critical Website

Today I reviewed the mission critical website. I liked this website because it went over a lot of the stuff we read in the book. Also I believed this website simplified key concepts that were in the book. Sometimes I found myself to be a little fuzzy on what the author was talking about in the book. For example you really don't get a general overview of the subject. You instead get a short statement and examples. The examples are not explained properly enough for me to fully understand. However this website breaks down the examples. For instance in the vagueness and ambiguity part it breaks down the example piece by piece and also gives you two distinct examples of vagueness and ambiguity so that you get a clear idea of what they are talking about. I also like the quiz section a lot better than in the book. It is more simple and strait forward with a multiple choice option. So in all I found this website to be more useful for the book as it clarified many subjects for me.

1 comment:

  1. When reviewing the Mission Critical website it also helped me understand concepts that I was confused with in the Epstein book. This website was very helpful since the explanations were easy to understand and it provided good examples. I am glad we had this website to review because it will be very beneficial for me since our final is coming up shortly. I am sure it will be helpful for you for the final as well since it helped explain the topics more efficiently than the book for you. I wish it had more of the concepts from the book on this website so I can learn about them in a different way. But overall this is a great website for us to use to learn about critical thinking.
