Monday, August 9, 2010

Two Important Concepts

One of the most important concepts I learned was about cause and effect. I think the website and the book does a good job of breaking down these types of claims. They state when this happens, then that happens. It is a simple concept yet when you think about it you realize that it is critical in everyday life. Everything you do is cause and effect. Also it is important for me because I want to become a lawyer and learning how things happen and how to break down those things is crucial in being a successful lawyer. I also think appeal to emotion is important because a lot of people try and play on emotions and it’s good to know what exactly they are doing and how to counteract this. For example the media feeds itself on people’s emotions. It is hard to get a subjective point of view on things when the media is shoving gospel down your throat on an emotional subject. So I found these two concepts to be the most important things I’ve learned this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Great post! I was a little confused about what the teacher wanted this post to be but now I think I got it thanks to you! When reading your post, you really got me thinking about how cause and effect are truly in our everyday lives. Everything we do is either a cause or an effect really. Appeal to emotions is a great concept that we learned which I truly enjoyed. This one I see every single day. I even experience it almost everyday. Whether it is a commercial on T.V. or an advertisement on a billboard, I feel something for every type of ad out there. So in a way I think advertisers do a tremendous job in the category of emotions; they make me feel something. This class helped me see what those different appeals are, how they work, and how to react to them. Again, good job on your post!
