Thursday, June 24, 2010

Internet Advertising

For internet advertising I picked a HDTV Samsung ( It states that the TV has a crystal finish, it supports HD technology, and is beautiful like a piece of art. Now the beauty of the television is a subjective claim, however the rest is objective as it is a specification of the TV. Now looking at this television I will accept the claim of its beauty from personal experience. I am getting a new HDTV and have looked at many products in the store. By far the Samsung has the best picture of any LCD in the store. I believe it is because of better technology and production put into the television set. Now reading up on this claim I found a website that does nothing but analyze T.V’s and you literally have thousands of owner’s reviewing/analyzing/discussing high definition televisions. The site is The overall consensus of the forum is that you go with a Samsung if you want a LCD as their technology outperforms any other television in that class. I believe this forum is a reputable source as there are many experts from high profile television companies their discussing what is the best possible television. People there are not trying to sell you a television they are simply talking about the technologies and specifications that make up a great television. You are not simply getting simple answers like “this is the best”… with no explanation. You are getting in-depth reviews such as contrast ratios, black levels, etc… So by using the criteria listed in the book I would judge that this advertisement is reliable and I accept the claim from this advertisement.


  1. Hi, i liked the idea of you using the samsung tv advertisement as your example for chapter 5. You presented your example quite well and they were very easy to follow and understand. According to Chapter 5, "our most reliable source of info about the world is our own experience." You have clearly presented this fact by accepting the claim that the high definition samsung tv is "beautiful like a piece of art" as it was based on your personal experience. Because of your experience, you have a very good reason to accept that claim. Another important point in chapter 5 was about accepting claims from sources such as from reliable people or a reputable journal. You have made this point in your post when you said that you went to a forum with in-depth reviews written by HD tv experts and that you believed the forum is a reputable source as the reviews are presented by experts whom you can trust.

  2. LOL I can see your love for your TV. I liked how how picked a commerical for an ad. As I watching this I noticed even the person who was talking about the TV made it sound like it's the best thing ever. What i've seen from the ad combine with what you have stated, has made me believe this is true as well. First of all because of your own personal experience and then I know that samsung products are really good as well because I've used and had their products before. You also gave found extra information from other people to further support your claim.
