Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hi I'm Michael Reynolds. I'm a senior at San Jose State who is graduating this summer. This is my first communications class and I am looking forward to it as it is a new subject for me to learn about. I'm looking to get many things out of this class. I have never had a blog before so it is interesting for me to share myself and experiences with other people. I am very much looking forward to viewing other peoples blogs and learning about my fellow students at SJSU. I also am looking forward to increasing my communication skills with this class as I am sure it will teach me a lot about interacting with (online) groups of people. Also I believe this will help with my English skills at it is all online work and a lot of writing is involved. I have taken a few online class's, some were better than others, but overall I prefer taking an online course as I can learn while also having some free time to myself. A few things about myself are that I love sports. I follow football, basketball, and hockey religiously. My favorite teams are the Raiders, Lakers, and Sharks. One thing I am looking forward to getting this Summer is a giant plasma t.v so I can really enjoy the theater esq. atmosphere while watching my favorite teams this fall. After college I am planning to enroll in law school. This Wednesday I am starting work at a law firm so I can get a first hand experiences on what it takes to be a lawyer and how a firm operates. So I hope you enjoyed reading a little about myself and I look forward to blogging more this Summer.



  1. I still haven't been to a Sharks game and I've lived in the Bay Area my entire life!!!

  2. I've never been to a Shark's game either, but I'm ready to see some teeth knocked out >:)

  3. Go Sharks!! :o) I used to work for law firms as a Legal Assistant/Secretary. It can be very exciting as you watch a good case go through its different stages. It was actually very interesting. Congratulations on your job! Hope to get to know you better in COMM 41.--Babbie

  4. Go Sharks! One of my friends is the biggest Sharks fan I know!

    Good luck and congratulations with the law firm, just keep in mind, don't let anyone bring you down. As long as you keep your head on strong, and stay strong-you'll do great.

    This is going to sounds cheesy, and kind of relevant but one of my favorite shows now is called Drop Dead Diva which is for the short version about a model who died but her soul is in a plane Jane's body who works for a prestige law firm and quickly learn's what it takes to be a successful, and great lawyer-honesty,dedication,drive, focus, and never give up on your cases(clients).

    -little miss daisy
